The kids are off school for a week already. We finally get to get away for a long needed holiday. The problem is when we stay t home it is not quite a holiday because there is always something to do and people calling because of projects or other things.
We haven't been at the beach since Juli 2007. Okay I admit I have been alone in Kau Lak for three days in January for a diving course I had to post-bone because of the airport closure in November. But As a family we haven't to the beach for a long time.
No Internet for 8 days 🙂 Only sun, sand and wind. Better pack those books I wanted to read for a while and extra sun cream.
Here in Chiang Mai it is getting terribly hot. At least during the day. Our house is still pretty cool even without using the air-con. After we come back from our trip Thai New year (Songkran) will start.
i wünsche öich e gueti Zit! Dass drs chöit gniesse und viu schöns chöit erläbe! Liebi Grüess a aui und tschüss zäme. Anne
Keep up the good work!
Stay close to God!
You guys are major Heroes in His Kingdom!
Love and Prayers!
The Zondervan’s xo