A new year has started and my blog is in a kind of extended hybernation oder "Winterschlaf". I still want to whish all (three) faithfull readers a Happy New Year. It is hard to keep something like a blog up to date. With all the work in Dezember blogging was lowest on my list. This is not realy good to build up a vast readership and become famous and rich. On the other hand this was not my intension after all. So anyone who pops in here…. Welcome!
I’ve just talked to two of our sons and thought I’d check your blog for some news. I hope you’ll have a happy blessed year yourself and wish you joy and success in all you do. Be blessed!
So bin ich also Nummer zwei. Wünsche auch dir ein echt geniales “nächstes Jahr”. Mein Blog macht wohl auch eine Art Winterschlaf. Habe irgendwie keine Lust zur Zeit und es endet meistens in belanglosen Zeugs. Also dann, auf bessere Blogzeiten.