the adventure I find myself in / das Abenteuer in dem ich mich finde

Time is precious

Time is precious. We all have the same amount. Of course we don’t live the same amount of years. But as we are going through the days and weeks we actually can’t complain we don’t have time. 24 hours are 24 hours. The question is with the priorities we set and how we use our time.
I have had a lot of things going. I just came back from Hui Kau Laam village on Thursday evening with a team. Tomorrow I will leave again with a team for another three days. People are coming and going. I need to prepare, get my office up to date, I should write my newsletter, write Thank-You letters to our supporters, bring my truck to change the back brakes, meet with my friends etc. etc.
In all this I don’t want to forget the most important thing in my life. My wife and my children. To balance the things in my live is not always easy and sometimes it haunts me to know I can’t make it right for everybody and fulfill the expectations laid on me as a husband, father, missionary, friend…
I know there are always other times where I have more time to waste (I would like that) But for now there is a lot of work and things that need to be done.

1 Comment

  1. Mark Moser

    hi from brasil
    I understand you soo well! how on earth do we get all the things done we should and still find time for our loved ones and not least for ourselves?
    I am sure you’re doing the best you can Philipp! Look forward to catching up with you again soon.
    Take care

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