Another experience I had with six was a dream. It was a recurring dream. With the dream came high fever. It also scared me enormously. Back then till a view years ago I didn’t understand what it meant. For a long time I didn’t know that it had to mean anything. But it is the only dream in my life so far that would come to me for several nights in a row. I only was able to understand it about thirty years later. I think that this dream helped my longing to seek God. It was very short, but every time I would wake up with a high fever up to 40 degrees (104 Fahrenheit) I would run out of my room and collapse before my parents bed. Here is the dream:
I was walking on an endless green field. The grass was short and there were no flowers or plants. Just a green lawn and a blue sky. As I was walking, suddenly many people past me running. I don’t know how many, but there must have been hundreds or thousands over the vast field. I turned around to see why they were running. Then a bright light appeared that filled first the horizon.
Years later as a teenager in the eighties I thought the dream was about the end of the world,a nuclear holocaust. But only thirty years after the dreams when someone told me a dream she had before she became a Christian I received the interpretation for her dream and at the same time for my own.
The light was Jesus in His glory "the light of the world". He scared me to death because back then I did not know him. I always woke up before the light would reach me or I could see what the light really was. I thought I had to die. Actually back then in my spirit I was kind of dead. Back then I was still far away in darkness.
With the experience of meeting followers of Jesus and having that dream (back then I had no idea what it meant) I also had the experiences of an evil presence. I don’t mean just the monsters under the bed, even though this I had this too as part of growing up. Of course those experiences are subjective specially from a six year old. But I never forgot the episodes and the feeling of helplessness, whereas the monsters I quickly would forget. I can still recall a night where I believe the "darker side" in the ongoing spiritual battle showed up…
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